Attacking Phase

The Attacking Phase will take place immediately after the Preparing Phase ends. The Attacking Phase will last for 518,400 blocks.

Attacking Phase

Trainers use their monster teams to attack the boss. To attack the boss, you need to click on the "attack" icon right next to the boss. You need to confirm the transaction to be able to attack successfully.

Each attack damage is equal to the Attack Power of the team (ATK) against the Boss's HP. If the attack is a critical hit, the damage is equal to ATK multiplied by 200%.

After an attack, you must wait for a cooldown period depending on the team's SPD before making another attack.

Cooldown time = 12500 / (team SPD) blocks


If your team SPD is 350. You will have a cooldown time of 12500 / 350 = 35.7 blocks.

It means after you attack the boss you need to wait 35.7 blocks for the next attack.

Boss Attack

Every time a team attacks the boss, Boss has 2% chance to reflect damage to the trainer's team.

Damage Reflect = ATK * Random(x Damage).

Whenever a trainer attacks the Boss, there is a chance to receive rewards from the LUCKY EARNING POOL.

If a trainer's team runs out of HP, the team will lose one life. If the team doesn't have any lives, the team will be defeated. (Each team will start with no lives)

Once a team is defeated, the trainer will no longer be able to perform any actions except retreat.

Break-Time: During the attacking phase, trainers can attack the Boss from 0:00 to 6:00 UTC+0 and from 12:00 to 18:00 UTC+0. There will be a break for players to rest, called Break-time, between these periods, specifically from 6:00 to 12:00 UTC+0 and from 18:00 to 0:00 UTC+0. During this period, teams will not be allowed to attack the boss anymore.

Mid Enroll

After the Preparing Phase finishes, trainers can still submit their teams to participate. If a trainer already has a team but does not have enough 5 monsters, they can still add new monsters. However, the DPET fee to be paid at this time will change as follows:

Battle Skills

Each team will have three skills available for use.

Sneaky Bite

During the attacking phase, trainers can attack other teams on the same battlefield.

Each attack equal to team damage (with 0 cooldown). If it's a critical hit, the damage will be doubled. Additionally, every attack will trigger a counterattack. The counterattack inflicts damage equal to the opponent team's damage. If the counterattack is critical, the damage will also be doubled.

The Elemental Counter between two teams will affect the critical hit rate.

If any team runs out of HP(by attacking of another team), it will be Stunned for 300 Block. While Stunned, trainers cannot attack other users or the boss, nor can they switch Battlefields, but they can still use available skills. After the Stun wears off, users will be fully healed. Purchasing Cleanse will immediately restore full health.

Sneaky Bite Attacks do not count towards the Boss Damage Leaderboard.


Trainers are allowed to retreat whenever they wish but the total damage the team has caused to the boss will not be saved. If you submit a new team, the total damage calculation will start again from 0. When retreating, the user will leave an empty slot in the battlefield.

Trainers with a team in the top 10 DAMAGE RANKING board are not allowed to retreat.

If a trainer retreats when their entire team has been defeated, the monsters that have died will not be eligible for Mid Enroll in the Raid Boss for that season.

Prize Pool Distribution

For participating and opting for additional Monster Slot fees (it is free on the Alpha Test), the fees will be distributed as follows:

  • Prize Pool: 85%

  • Dev fees: 15%

For purchasing Battle Skills, the fees will be allocated as follows:

  • Prize Pool: 85%

  • Dev fees: 15%

At the end of the Raid Boss, the Prize Pool will be divided into two parts: the Damage Ranking Pool and the Boss Takedown Pool.

  • Top 10 Damage Ranking: 80%

  • Boss Takedown Bonus: 20%

Damage Ranking Pool

The top 10 teams dealing the most damage will receive rewards from the 80% Prize Pool, distributed as follows:

The top 1 trainer earns an extra bonus: 2 Water Stones Level 5.

Reward Top 11 - 50

Note: The reward will be manually sent to the Trainer after the season ends.

Boss Takedown

The team that defeats the Boss will receive rewards from the 20% Prize Pool.

And 2 Water Stone Level 5.

Lucky Earning Pool

At the start of the Raid Boss, the Dev will allocate a certain amount of rewards to the Lucky Earning Pool.

When a trainer attacks the Boss, there is a chance to receive rewards from the Lucky Earning Pool (rewards will be sent straight to your wallet) as follows:

Last updated